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Choose your Perks

  • We'll advertise for you for 2 weeks

    +20 £ Process Admin Fee
    Send us your pre-recorded adverts by email after you have brought this plan, this last upto 2 weeks!
    Valid for 2 weeks
    • Your ads will be shown on our broadcast.
  • We'll advertise for you for one month.

    +20 £ Process Admin Fee
    Send us your pre-recorded adverts by email after you have brought this plan last upto 1 month
    Valid for one month
    • We only Broadcast your Advert for 1 Month
  • Best Value

    We'll advertise for you for two months.

    +20 £ Process Admin Fee
    Send us your pre-recorded adverts by email after you have brought this plan last upto 2 month
    Valid for 2 months
    • Be exclusive on our Newsletter
    • Your Adverts will be included in our Broadcasted
    • We also will share your advert on soical media
  • We'll advertise for you for three months

    +20 £ Process Admin Fee
    Send us your pre-recorded adverts by email after you have brought this plan last upto 3 month
    Valid for 3 months
    • Be exclusive on our Newsletter
    • Your Adverts will be included in our Broadcasted
    • We also will share your advert on soical media
  • We'll advertise for you for six months.

    +20 £ Process Admin Fee
    Send us your pre-recorded adverts by email after you have brought this plan last upto 6 month
    Valid for 6 months
    • Be exclusive on our Newsletter
    • Your Adverts will be included in our Broadcasted
    • We also will share your advert on soical media
  • Annual Advertising Package

    +20 £ Admin process Fee
    Hey, once you've bought this plan, just email us your pre-recorded ads, and it will run for 1 year!
    Valid for one year
    • Your ads will be included in our newsletter! 📰 #marketing
    • Our advertisements will be featured in our broadcast.
    • We'll also share your ad on social media.
  • Silver

    Every month
    The following rewards will be provided to you for your support:
     21 day free trial
    • You will receive one complimentary prioritized song request
    • 1 free picture, show on our live 📸
    • 1 free Advertising for 2 weeks
  • Bronze

    Every month
    Here you will Receive the following rewards for your support
     21 day free trial
    • You will receive three complimentary priority song requests
    • You will get 1 free Birthday Shoutout 🎉🎁
    • 3 picture send to be displayed on our live Broadcast 1 day
    • Complimentary advertising for a duration of six months.
  • Gold

    Every month
    +10 £ Admin Charge Fee
    The following rewards will be provided to you for your support:
     21 day free trial
    • You will receive 10 complimentary song requests during live
    • 6 complimentary birthday announcements 🎉🎁🎈
    • 1 Free 🎁 Advertsiting 🎉 for 1 Year ! 🎉
    • 5 picture send to be displayed on our live Broadcast 1 day
  • Your Support

    Every month
    Give us a little £1 a month to help us with the cost
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